Search Engine Optimization 2

Search Engine Optimization

The best website cannot help your business grow if it is not highly ranked by search engines like google, bing, yahoo, etc. Understanding how SEO works is not rocket science. We walk you through our strategy and show you exactly what optimizing your rankings involves.


We start by taking a close look at your existing website. This helps us understand which keywords you have chosen and what the site has been optimized for. Our team also takes a close look at your existing content. We show you which of your keywords are ranking highly and point out where there is room for improvement. By the end of this stage, you know exactly which areas need work.
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Strategy Creation

Based on our SEO analysis, we come up with a strategy to propel your business closer towards the top of search engine rankings. Think of your SEO strategy as a detailed plan that outlines how to use different tactics to increase traffic to your website.

Strategy Creation
On Page Optimization

On Page Optimization

On-page SEO refers to everything you can do on your website to help your business rank higher. This includes the content, images, internal links, as well as so-called meta data. Plenty of opportunity there to get you started.

Content Creation

Content is arguably the most important element of a successful website. Search engines like pages that are useful, user-friendly, and full of information. We help you create content that is relevant to your users and ranks well at the same time.

Content Creation
Ongoing SEO

Ongoing SEO

Just like your business develops, search engines also change their requirements. Updating your content regularly and ensuring there are no broken links are part of ongoing SEO work. We show you exactly what we do every month and how this influences your rankings.

On-Page SEO

With on-page SEO, you’ll be ranking higher in SERPS and earning top-notch traffic. We’re a team of experts who will boost your page rank and help you achieve more organic, cost-effective traffic than you ever thought possible. You can achieve more qualified leads and save money on advertising costs while boosting sales with our services.
$ 500

Ongoing SEO

Search Engine Optimization can be a very confusing topic for some, but that doesn’t mean you have to go at it alone. Ongoing SEO means we always have your back. We’ll make sure you’re consistently ranking well in search engines, we’ll assess the effectiveness of your ongoing SEO campaign, and much more.
$ 1,200